About Harold
When I retired four years ago, I had big plans. I was going to go fishing regularly, read more, and spend time traveling with my wife, Nancy. But it didn’t take me long to realize retirement wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be. I actually missed the daily routine working provided, and it was difficult to coordinate fishing or other excursions with my retired friends. Everyone seemed just as busy as when they were working! Then, when Nancy and I were finally all set to head off on our dream trip to Europe, the pandemic hit. Depressed and disappointed that my retirement years hadn’t turned out to be as enjoyable as I’d hoped, I realized I needed a perspective shift. So, I began focusing on the things I could control.
I discovered the joy of solo fishing, joined a virtual history-focused book club, and started taking short distance, COVID-safe road trips with Nancy. She encouraged me to create Retired to Inspired so here it is! If you’re feeling down about what retirement has had to offer you, I hope you’ll find some inspiring words, advice, and activities here.